
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bloggers Beware

I think the legal proceedings initiated by NSTP and its officers against Ahirudin and Jeff is very prejudicial to the freedom of speech and the evolution of the internet press.

This is a test case and the judgement would have far reaching implications to bloggers and the internet medium in Malaysia. And mind you we have only 13 more years to achieve developed nation status.

Although everything said is subject to the same laws of the nation but nothing worthwhile will ever be said and the truth will never be made public for all to know if we resort to the courts to test freedom of speech for fear of legal action and the prohibitive cost involved.

Mind you these people are not paid to write and nor do they sell their works. Their responsibility is to their fellow citizens to be better informed on the goings on in their country.

The rich and the powerful can always hide behind the cloak of legal action and get away with deception and corruption and nonsense at public expense. What we get is a sick society unable to distinguish fact from fiction and good from evil.

Remember, was it Voltaire who once said " I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Today we may not die but certainly will be made bankrupts for telling the truth.