
Friday, August 22, 2008

30. Letter to Air Asia

Dear Air Asia,

Congratulations on your brand new blog.It is a wonderful opportunity for flyers to air suggestions, grievances, improvements, etc. to Air Asia. Please view these
constructively and take remedial measures for further feedback.

Travellers wanting to go to India have been given a raw deal by Air Asia. It is
now 6 years since Air Asia started operations and till today there is no service to this country.

You are going all over Asia but not to India. There is a growing market demand for flights to Chennai, Amritsar, Hyderabad, Mumbai and New Delhi.

CEO Datuk Tony Fernandes in April mentioned of flights to Tiruchirapalli, in South India. It has been in the "Coming Soon" column in the Air Asia website for 4 months. Your Customer Service Officers say they don't know the reason for the delay! They say may be flights will start in October. Please confirm this.

Many other towns like Guilin (China), Manado and Makassar (Indonesia) were also in the "Coming Soon" column for shorter periods and have since commenced flights.

Why all this delay? Are the Indian authorities giving problems when they should be welcoming Air Asia with open arms? Or has Air Asia conveniently forgotten the Malaysian Indians?

Hoping for a favourable reply and service to Trichy as soon as possible!

Thank you.

Indian Flyer